Welcome to TEL Library’s collection of free lessons.
Browse through our lessons by selecting a category below, or by scrolling through the library.
Learning is a lifelong adventure.
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For Learners
Anyone can browse and use our lessons for free, with access to all lesson features, including videos, readings, and knowledge checks.
By signing up for a TEL Library Card, you can create your own lesson collections, take notes on lessons, and earn free badges for by completing mini-quests in specific topic areas (See our list of badges here).
For those interested in deeper programs of study, we also offer courses. TEL Library courses range in length and focus from the equivalent of a 3-hour college course to a weekend workshop, and prices range from $24.99-$75.
Learners retain lifetime access to any purchased products.

For Educators
We encourage teachers and instructors to link directly to TEL Library lessons for your students. Unless specified otherwise, all TEL Library content is licensed for non-commercial reuse with a Creative Commons CC BY NC SA license. This means you can use the content as long as you provide attribution to TEL Library. You may also remix, reuse, or revise lesson content, as long as you provide appropriate attribution and apply the same Creative Commons license to your content.